The only people who change, who are transformed, are people who feel safe, who feel their dignity, and who feel loved. When you feel loved, when you feel safe, and when you know your dignity, you just keep growing! That’s what we do for one another as loving people—offer safe relationships in which we can change. This kind of love is far from sentimental; it has real power. In general, we need a judicious combination of safety and necessary conflict to keep moving forward in life. Richard Rohr.
Counseling in the greater Houston area is offered in English and Spanish.

I believe we all need help some time. And I believe the best way to provide that help is by learning to help with something specific. As a counselor I specialize in treating couples and adult individuals in the areas of:
Anxiety management
Developing capacity for emotional maturity
Process addiction (sexual addiction and betrayal)
I also believe in teams that become learning communities to develop myself as a counselor and accountability communities to help me offer the best help I am able to. That is why I offer professional counseling services under the umbrella and accountability of two different organizations:
Biblical counseling
Sex addiction, betrayal, support groups and general counseling (anxiety, emotional maturity, grief)
There are many counseling approaches and techniques which may be utilized at any given time to meet a client’s specific needs. My counseling approach is based on a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Emotion Focus Therapy, and Psychodynamic approaches. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy involves a learning process where clients acquire and practice new skills; learn new ways of thinking, and more effective ways of coping with problems. I will ask that you complete homework assignments, as I believe that the work we do in session will be most effective if implemented in your life outside of therapy. Family Systems Therapy considers problems in the context of the emotional units that you are part of (family, workplace, close group of friends, etc.). It focuses on increasing your capacity to differentiate your thinking from your emotions in anxious situations; empowering you to respond to challenges from the perspective of well- defined guiding principles. Emotion Focus Therapy enables you to be present to deep emotions and their impact in you and in those around you. Psychodynamic approaches are tools to help you explore your first formation (childhood and adolescence), considering the impact that your past experiences have in the present moment.
Appointments are offered on weekdays in different locations:
The Woodlands
Telehealth (video conference)
Last appointment is at 5pm.
To check availability and schedule an appointment use the following links:
Click the link, go to the bottom of the page and select "Request Appointment."